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Horizon Mechanical Services, LLC Services Your Air Conditioning Unit

Founded in 2001, Horizon Mechanical Services LLC specializes in servicing, commissioning, and repairing Trane, Aaon, Carrier, York, and McQuay air conditioning units. We’re capable of handling screw, scroll, centrifugal, and water-cooled units up to 1,000 ton. We inspect your compressor motor, clean your condenser tube, perform oil analysis, do chiller starter and PM service, and perform routine maintenance.

For your convenience, we provide annual, quarterly, and monthly service to cooling towers, boilers, pneumatic and DDC control systems, and air conditioning equipment. We supply reports on every facet of your building’s systems, so you are armed with knowledge and recommendations you need to keep your building running smoothly.

smiling employee installing a commercial air conditioner

We’re Factory-Certified by Our Suppliers

Our technicians are factory-certified to work with the boilers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers in your building. Whether working with Desert Aire Corp. dehumidifiers or Stulz air conditioners, our technicians have the know-how to repair and maintain your system so you can focus on running your business.

We are certified work with the following companies’ products:

  • Desert Aire
  • Stulz
  • Aaon
  • Carrier 3V Control System
  • Orion Control System by WattMaster
  • Daikin VRF
  • Sanyo VRF

We Perform Maintenance on the Carrier 3V Control System

We’re a certified rep for Carrier 3V control systems in constant volume zone applications 25 tons and under. We specialize in servicing, commissioning, and retrofitting all other equipment manufacturer’s zoning systems to meet your needs or maintain the functionality of your equipment. The 3V control system provides front-end monitoring with the pilot interface, in addition to giving the user individual control using T59/T56 sensors, resulting in precise temperature control. It is also flexible, and with the universal interface module, it is capable of communicating with your building’s automation system.

We Provide Construction and Retrofit Services

We employ skilled union craftsmen on all of our jobs. Our project managers know how to see your project to completion, ensuring that your retrofitting project goes smoothly.

We’re Factory-Certified on the Orion Control System by WattMaster

We’re a factory-authorized rep for WattMaster. We provide integrated building control systems and set them up for you. The Orion Control System provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Orion Prism software that controls air conditioning systems
  • Critical temperature control
  • VAV/Terminal unit zone control
  • 100 percent outside air applications
  • Pump lead-lag control
  • Boiler reset control
  • Supply air reset
  • VFD status
  • Command start/stop control
  • Lighting panel control with additional control options
  • Open protocol for Lonworks and Bacnet allows us to customize your system

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Take the First Step to a More Efficient Cooling System